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Sweet Recovery (Ex Ops Series Book 4)

  He broke her heart… now he has to pick up the pieces.

  Lucas Young met the woman meant for him when they were just children. He spent years pushing the sweet, innocent Ginny away for one reason or another instead of claiming what was his, breaking her heart in the process.

  Five years later, he runs into Ginny, only he no longer recognizes the person she has become. The good-hearted, free-spirited girl he loved is now a shell of who she used to be, living the sort of life she never wanted. And Lucas is driven to find out why.

  However, uncovering Ginny’s secrets will prove to be dangerous for them both.

  Will he be able to piece back the broken woman who used to love him with every fiber of her being? Or did he push her away for good?

  Warning: This is the second book in a three-part serial spin-off from the Ex Ops Series. Each of the three books will feature a piece of Lucas & Ginny’s story and leads directly into the next installment. IN OTHER WORDS, THIS STORY ENDS ON A CLIFFHANGER. Also, be forewarned this story will make you laugh, cry, and possibly throw your e-reader at the wall… AGAIN.
  Raves for the novels by


  Secret Maneuvers

  “…I couldn't put it down. It’s not just the love story between Belle and Bobby, the suspense, the action, the drama, the friendships, the loyalty... I could go on and on. There is relatability to the characters, it’s a well written, well thought out and developed plot… I loved this one, by far one of my top ten reads so far this year!”

  - Chelsea Camaron, USA Today Best-Selling Author

  “First loves, second chances, and too many heart-stopping moments to count!! Secret Maneuvers is without a doubt sure to be a huge hit, because this story is romance magic from page one up until the very end!! I lost count of how many times I had to use the highlight feature on my iPad with this story, there were just so many great moments and lines that I wanted to go back to! Whether they were tender or filled with raw emotion, hilarious or beautiful, this was just one of those stories that gives you a little of everything to endure and enjoy!”

  - The Autumn Review

  “The author manages a lightness and humorous atmosphere, even though the story is highly emotional at the same time… Not only does it have bone-melting romance but thrilling action scenes as well. The writing is, as always, engaging and draws you in on page 1. I’m excited to find out who is next in the Ex Ops series! If you haven’t read Jessie Lane yet, what are you waiting for?”

  - Swept Away By Romance

  Stripping Her Defenses

  “STRIPPING HER DEFENSES Blew. Me. Away! I liked this one even better then the first book, SECRET MANEUVERS. The characters were engaging, the pacing perfection, and the story-line was dynamic. This is Jessie Lane's best work yet!”

  - Reading Between the Wines Book Club

  “In this installment, Lane addresses the serious topics of depression, death, and how to deal with being married to a military spouse. A deep emotional tidal wave ebbs and flows throughout the story as Lane flips back and forth to let us see the reasons behind a failed marriage and the steps one woman takes to reclaim her life and self-worth. Steamy sex scenes spice things up the storyline while heart to heart dialogue keeps the story from becoming just another “trope.” Humor injects randomly to offset the somber tones while interesting new characters are introduced to announce a spin off series Lane is creating with fellow writer, Chelsea Cameron.”

  - Smexy Books


  “There is angst, yes. There is drama, yes. There is suspense, yes. There is sexiness, yes. But I think what it is, the reason behind why I liked this so much is the reason behind the MC. The driving force, the reason why they do what they do, why they were founded. I don't know that I have read a book like this one before.”

  - Books chocolate and lipgloss

  “The action in this book truly has you on the edge of your seat. Chelsea and Jessie have you smiling and then nervous with each page turned. There was one scene that I was shocked and gutted. It was hard for me to read (and I have read some shocking, gruesome scenes) but this one...WOW this one was truly shocking!”

  - Halos and Horns Book Blog


  “This story was so much more than I expected… I just love a badass with a warm gooey center!”

  - Belle’s Book Bag

  “I have waiting for a year for Hammer and it was WELL worth the wait. Camaron and Lane did not disappoint in this story. I actually think they kicked the volume WAY up in this one with Hammer and Desirae. This story was intense and sexy… If you enjoy a different type of MC romance, then definitely add this series to your TBR list.”

  - The Book Chick

  Sweet Recovery

  Ex Ops Series #4

  Sweet Series #2

  By Jessie Lane

  Copyright © 2016 by Jessie Lane

  Published by Whiskey Girls Publishing

  All rights reserved.

  Edited by: C&D Editing

  Cover Design by: Jessie Lane

  Cover Images by: © Golden Czermak | Furious Fotog | Shutterstock

  Cover Model: Chase Ketron

  Copyright © 2016 by Jessie Lane

  The purchase of this e-book allows you one legal copy for your own personal reading enjoyment on your personal computer or device. You do not have the rights to resell, distribute, print, or transfer this book, in whole or in part, to anyone, in any format, via methods either currently known or yet to be invented, or upload to a file sharing peer to peer program. It may not be re-sold or given away to other people. Such action is illegal and in violation of the U.S. Copyright Law. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return it and purchase your own copy. If you no longer want this book, you may not give your copy to someone else. Delete it from your computer. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Trademarks: This book identifies product names and services known to be trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of their respective holders. The authors acknowledge the trademarked status in this work of fiction. The publication and use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  This book contains mature content not suitable for readers under the age of 18. This book contains content with strong language, violence, and sexual situations. All parties portrayed in sexual situations are over the age of 18.

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  Other Titles From Jessie Lane

  Ex Ops Series

  Secret Maneuvers

  Stripping Her Defenses

  Mission Delivery

  Sweet Agony

  Regulators MC Series

  (co-written with Chelsea Camaron)



  Big Bad Bite Series

  Big Bad Bite

p; Walk On The Striped Side

  Star Series

  (co-written with M.L. Pahl)

  The Burning Star

  The Frozen Star

  Sweet Recovery

  Sweet Series Book 2


  Ex Ops Series Book 4

  Jessie Lane


  To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die. - Thomas Campbell

  No one will ever compare to you Prince.


  As with every book, Sweet Recovery had a small army behind it. First and foremost I would like to thank Chelsea Camaron and Abbie Zanders. You girls are absolutely invaluable to me and I adore you both beyond reason. To the super fabulous S.M. Donaldson, you’re a lifesaver and I can’t say thank you enough.

  Next I would like to thank Nita the Book Chick for giving me the stink eye over taunting her with snippets of this book. Bye Felicia! (You know you love me.)

  A huge thank you to Golden Czermak from Furious Fotog and Chase Ketron for providing me with such a gorgeous picture to represent Lucas. You guys seriously rock, you know that?

  To Katrina King, who bid in my auction to support the Meade County Schools Archery Teams, thank you again. I hope you enjoy your role in here! You’re simply the best for supporting the kids like that.

  And last, but never least, my editors. Thank you, I love you, and I appreciate you girls so much!

  Table Of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Note From The Author

  About The Author

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  Sweet Recovery




  Who knew strip clubs could be so much fun?

  I was sitting in a cushy, black leather booth in my little red dress with a pretty purple neon light shining down like a spotlight on my table. Music thumped in the air around me, a hard rock song with a heavy beat and lyrics about a man feeling his woman from the inside. Half-naked women served drinks, and a lingerie clad woman danced on the stage in front of me, making the atmosphere vibrate with sexual tension.

  Horny men surrounded me, including two of my father’s men who served as my bodyguards. Dexter was a scarred behemoth who could petrify anyone with a look. He was generally the man I had shadowing me. Brad was a smarmy guy who spent as much time as he could trying to kiss the ground my father walked on. I wasn’t sure how he thought that was going to get him through, because even I knew by now that Father hated brownnosers and weak men. Needless to say, both of them were an epic pain in my keister.

  When I had mentioned to them about wanting to go to a club, they had not so kindly informed me that the only club I was going to get them to agree to go to was a strip club. I was sure they thought Wellington’s princess would balk at the idea. How wrong they were. There was nowhere else on earth I wanted to be.

  Granted, most women probably didn’t come to what was otherwise known as a gentlemen’s club. I wasn’t most women. Far from it. I was a twenty-seven-year-old woman out for one last hoorah because I was engaged to a man I barely knew and hopelessly in love with another, not that the man I loved reciprocated those feelings. Nope. In fact, he had made it perfectly clear I was the honorary second sister he never wanted.

  You would think that would make it easy for me to move on to marry someone else, right? Nope again. Not when said marriage was a business arrangement made by my father, which brings me to my biggest problem.

  Richard Wellington, dear ol’ Daddy, otherwise known as the kingpin of Chicago.

  I didn’t know everything about how he had made himself an extremely rich man, but I had eavesdropped on enough conversations over the past five years to figure out he dealt in some sort of drugs. My suspicions were that he used his legal pharmaceutical company as the cover for his activities, but I had no way to prove it. What I did know was my soon-to-be husband was an integral part in an operation that would take my father from a regional powerhouse to a global one.

  To be the trophy wife to a man who was going to help her very own father sell drugs to little kids the world over was just what every girl wanted, right? Of course, those were my assumptions. I didn’t know for sure, but none of it mattered. Whatever Richard Wellington had gotten neck deep into, it most definitely didn’t fit into the legal category.

  So why didn’t I just run away from it all? One very good reason: my mother.

  She was the sweetest, kindest, best mother in the whole wide world, and she also had a very big problem: my father. She loved him as much as she feared him.

  When I was much younger, she had taken me and run from the man who wanted to be a king. It had taken him fifteen years, but he had finally found us. Now we were stuck in a suite of rooms on the twentieth floor of a building my father owned with enough security to protect the president.

  Richard Wellington wasn’t exactly a shy guy, either. He had explained to my mother and I on more than one occasion that the security was to keep danger out … and us in. We would never escape him again. Everywhere I went, my father’s men were with me, both for my protection and my continued incarceration.

  Through a clever scheme cooked up by my maid Barbara, I had talked dear ol’ Daddy into letting me leave Chicago to come down to Miami for a little shopping trip. What girl didn’t need a new wardrobe to meet her future in-laws? At least, that was the excuse I had given my father.

  The kingpin of Chicago wouldn’t dare let his wife or child be seen in public in something other than a designer name, so one mention of a new Donna Karen line being revealed here, and he had grudgingly agreed to let me go… with a few of his men escorting me, of course.

  “I would hate for something to happen to you, darling.”

  Those words might have seemed protective and affectionate from any other father, but from mine, it was a threat. Behave or there would be consequences. I didn’t have a clue what those consequences might be, but after witnessing my father murder a man a few years ago, I wasn’t exactly eager to find out, either. Richard Wellington was grade-A psycho, and I was nothing more than a pawn in his world of games.

  I shouldn’t complain too much, though. In my opinion, my mother had it much worse. She was in love with a man who was nuttier than a peanut factory, which was beyond sad to me. She was a woman who had taught me my entire life to fight for what was right, to believe that sometimes you had to sacrifice what you loved to live the kind of life you should. She had done this by sacrificing her love for my father to run and raise me in an environment where danger didn’t surround us.

  Once upon a time, she was that warrior princess. Now, she was more like a beaten down beautiful queen. Mom had given up trying to run away from my father, given up on her idea that she could live a better life separated from him. I just had no clue if it was because she was as afraid of my father as I was or still madly in love with him. Sometimes, I thought it might be a bit of both.

  Whistles and catcalls suddenly roared around me, and I realized I was going to have to open my eyes to see what the fuss was all about. Hell, I didn’t remember closing my eyes in the first place, but oh, well. I guessed the drink in my hand was a heck of a lot stronger than I had realized. Or it could have been the three drinks before it. All I knew was the combination of drinks with names like Seduction on the Rocks, Cock Sucking Cowboy, Sex On the Beach, and Screaming Multiple Orgasm would make you feel damn good in no time flat.

  Peeling my eyelids open, I first saw Brad getting a lap dance across the table from me, which meant there was a woman’s schoolgirl, mini-skirt covered ass gyrating in my line of sight. Looking over to my left, I took in Dexter who s
at silently with his eyes glued to the main stage. Moving my eyes there, I took in what all the fuss was about.

  Two women were dancing on stage. The first was a fiery redhead with a milk-white complexion in a devil’s costume, complete with red corset, net thigh highs, garter belt, thong, heels, devil horns, and even a pitchfork that she was currently humping. The other woman was a bottle blonde with gorgeous, naturally tanned fawn skin, dressed in a white see-through baby doll negligée, a white G-string, crystal clear high heels, and angel wings. They were a contrast in light and dark, sugar and spice. I wanted to paint them on canvas. Sweet and seductive, fierce but delightful, wicked yet worthy of all the men’s eyes that they danced for, they were everything I secretly wanted to be but didn’t have the courage to try.

  Why not?

  Maybe my drunk-ass was imagining them as my metaphorical conscious, but it was a damn good question. Why couldn’t I be all of that? Why couldn’t I be the sort of woman I had only dreamed of being before, one not afraid of her sexuality? I was here to cut loose, wasn’t I?

  Feeling freer than I had in years, I drained the rest of my drink, letting the sweet yet tangy alcohol burn on the way down. Then I plunked my glass down on the table before I pushed myself up until I was climbing on the bench seat. This caught Dexter’s attention, and he held his hand up to try to stop my forward momentum, but I simply grabbed his hand and used it to steady myself on top of the table. As I stood up there, I looked down at him and smirked. Take that, Dexter.

  Letting the lyrics wash over me, I rolled my hips to the seductive beat. Raising my arms above my head, I let my body flow in time with the rhythm, being as primal as sex itself.

  More whistles and lewd encouragement sounded, and I looked around and realized it was all for me. Men’s eyes from the entire club were watching me … wanting me. The rush of adrenaline that hit me at the realization was a high unlike anything I had ever felt before.